Whether it’s fundraising or assisting at events to poverty simulations or Head Start Breakfast Club, our volunteers are the backbone of CAP St. Joe. Volunteers do everything from assist in the classroom to help adults with learning life skills. Our volunteers have the opportunity at CAP St. Joe to have a meaningful and long lasting impact on our children, parents, and staff members. We hope you will join us!

Classroom Volunteers

Individuals age 18 years and older are invited to volunteer in our Head Start classrooms. Volunteers are needed to assist teachers with various tasks throughout the day, to include mealtime preparation, classroom organization, and group activities.

Sponsor A Supply Drive

Sponsor a drive for much-needed agency items such as non-perishable food items, diapers, paper products, toothpaste/toothbrushes, or hygiene products. Please check with us for our current wishlist needs.

Special Events

CAPSTJOE facilitates several events each year to educate the community on our mission and vision. You can help us by assisting with event details or by helping set up and facilitate special events.

Host A Poverty Simulation

Poverty simulationCan you survive a “month” in poverty?

One of the most powerful tools CAP St. Joe has for engaging the community in the fight against poverty is community poverty simulations. Through carefully designed curriculum, participants are placed into a “family” in poverty and asked to navigate the month in four 15-minute “weeks,” using only the resources pre-assigned to their family and those they can utilize from community providers in the simulation.

This is a highly energized, impactful experience, and the positive feedback toward understanding poverty is tremendous. Most participants are stunned at what it takes to make it when you live in poverty, and tell us that the chaos, isolation and hopelessness invade every decision. Community Action leaders from across the state carefully plan the curriculum and make changes to reflect the current face of poverty. We have worked with all types of groups from businesses to church youth groups.

Contact: POVSIM@capstjoe.org


If you are interested in supporting the CAP St. Joe mission through volunteering, please fill out the interest form or give us a call at 816-233-8281

Hands reaching together